Mar 25
Mar 26
Ages 13 and older
Ages 12 and younger
Room 1

Stroll a little at Forestiere Underground Gardens

May 18, 2016
Category: Oakhurst Attractions

Established in 1906, located on Shaw Avenue in north Fresno, Forestiere Underground Gardensis a complex of underground caverns, grottos, patios and garden courts encircling the underground home of Baldasare Forestiere. It is a true earth environment that remain somewhat untouched from their original beginnings. The tour grounds have small rooms and narrow passageways, which cannot accommodate throngs of visitors.  Dirt pathways have some uneven areas and good walking shoes are recommended. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  The Gardens are the life-long devotion and hobby of Baldassare Forestiere, a Sicilian immigrant who came to America in 1901 to escape the iron rule of his wealthy father and pursue his own dreams. The Gardens are a subterranean complex of patios, grottos, and garden courts interconnecting with passageways that encircle the living quarters of the self-taught artist and builder who sought to escape the brutal heat of Fresno summers. A wide variety of trees were planted throughout the gardens, some of them rare. Some of the trees are planted as deep as 22 feet below ground level. Many citrus trees were grafted with a variety of citrus, one tree having some seven different varieties.

Working Hours: Monday – Sunday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Admission Fees:
Adults: $15
Seniors: $13

The tour guide is the main key here with this $15 tour and you will get a lot of information depending on the guide.  While visiting Yosemite stay at the Yosemite Southgate Hotel & Suites in Oakhurstand get rooms at very affordable rates.

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